>> Thursday, October 30, 2008
OK. First of all, I shouldn’t be writing any new entry spt mana yg aku dah cakap sebelum ni. Tapi, entah kenape aku tergerak hati pulak utk menulis, sbb sewaktu aku tgh khusyuk study utk written exams next week ni, tibe2 pulak aku rindu kat kawan2 aku yg dulunya belajar kat Ireland & sekarang ni dah berada di Malaysia (ada yg dah kerja & ada yg kat Penang Medical College (PMC)). Maybe sbb dah lama sgt tak jumpe dieorg kot. Atau maybe sbb aku kesunyian kat sini. Huhuhu. I surely miss them a lot.
Sewaktu dieorg ada kat sini dulu, we did lots of things together & we really had lots of fun. Semue memori tu masih segar lagi dlm ingatan aku. Hmmm. Time really flies very fast, doesn't it? Pejam celik pejam celik, dah lebih 6 tahun dah aku kat bumi Ireland ni & I have made lots of friends, tanpa mengenal usia. Akan tetapi, setiap tahun, sorang demi sorang balik Msia for good & akhirnya tinggallah aku kat sini bersama beberapa org lain.
Seriously, aku dah tak sabar sgt nak balik Msia sekarang ni. It seems to me like there’s nothing left for me here in Ireland. My family which is everything to me & my friends who I really miss are all in Malaysia. Kadang2 tu rasa sunyi jugak kat sini. Tapi, nasib baiklah I still have friends & housemates yg best & sporting. Walaupun jarak usia kiteorg agak jauh, they are still willing to be my friends (ye, aku ngaku aku dah tua. Huhuhu). Aku tahu yg aku perlu mengorbankan rasa ego aku sbg seorg senior utk berkawan dgn dieorg ni. Lagipun, bagi aku, seniority tu sebenarnya sesuatu yg remeh. Perlu sgt ke kite berlagak/berlaku sombong sbb kite lebih tua drp org lain? As long as we respect each other, itu dah cukup bagi aku. Btul tak? Bak kata org, berkawan tak perlu mengenal usia. Btul?
OK laa. Aku pun dah taktau nak tulis ape lagi skarang ni. Aku harap sgt takde aral yg bakal melintang lagi so that aku dapat balik Msia for good bulan 12 nanti. Aku dah tak sabar nak jumpe family & kawan2 aku kat sana. Tapi, dalam pada masa yg sama, aku sebenarnye berat hati jugak nak meninggalkan kawan2 aku kat Ireland ni, especially my new housemates (1st year RCSI & TCD ppl) yg baru je tiba di bumi Dublin last month. Tak sempat nak kenal betul2 lagi. Ape2 pun, aku harap kite semue still akan dpt keep in touch. InsyaAllah. Hmm. Sekarang ni aku hanya berserah semuenye kpd Allah swt coz only He knows what's the best for me & for all of us. Dalam pd masa yg sama, aku perlu jugak berusaha. That’s for sure.
Kat bawah ni aku selitkan beberapa keping gambar bersama kawan2 lama aku yg kini dah pun berada di Msia. Kpd yg takde dlm gambar2 ni, jgn kecik hati pulak. That doesn’t mean yg aku tak rindu korang. Aku main grab je gambar2 yg ade dlm laptop aku ni. Hahaha. Ape2 pun, I really hope to see these guys in Malaysia soon. Hmm. Kalau korang perasan, I look a bit thinner dlm gambar2 ni berbanding sekarang kan? Hihihi. Well, those are the good old times. :P
p/s: Tak sabar pulak nak habis written exams jumaat depan (7 Nov). Lepas tu, boleh tgk wayang citer Quantum of Solace & beberapa lg citer lain. Yahooo!! :P
Sewaktu dieorg ada kat sini dulu, we did lots of things together & we really had lots of fun. Semue memori tu masih segar lagi dlm ingatan aku. Hmmm. Time really flies very fast, doesn't it? Pejam celik pejam celik, dah lebih 6 tahun dah aku kat bumi Ireland ni & I have made lots of friends, tanpa mengenal usia. Akan tetapi, setiap tahun, sorang demi sorang balik Msia for good & akhirnya tinggallah aku kat sini bersama beberapa org lain.
Seriously, aku dah tak sabar sgt nak balik Msia sekarang ni. It seems to me like there’s nothing left for me here in Ireland. My family which is everything to me & my friends who I really miss are all in Malaysia. Kadang2 tu rasa sunyi jugak kat sini. Tapi, nasib baiklah I still have friends & housemates yg best & sporting. Walaupun jarak usia kiteorg agak jauh, they are still willing to be my friends (ye, aku ngaku aku dah tua. Huhuhu). Aku tahu yg aku perlu mengorbankan rasa ego aku sbg seorg senior utk berkawan dgn dieorg ni. Lagipun, bagi aku, seniority tu sebenarnya sesuatu yg remeh. Perlu sgt ke kite berlagak/berlaku sombong sbb kite lebih tua drp org lain? As long as we respect each other, itu dah cukup bagi aku. Btul tak? Bak kata org, berkawan tak perlu mengenal usia. Btul?
OK laa. Aku pun dah taktau nak tulis ape lagi skarang ni. Aku harap sgt takde aral yg bakal melintang lagi so that aku dapat balik Msia for good bulan 12 nanti. Aku dah tak sabar nak jumpe family & kawan2 aku kat sana. Tapi, dalam pada masa yg sama, aku sebenarnye berat hati jugak nak meninggalkan kawan2 aku kat Ireland ni, especially my new housemates (1st year RCSI & TCD ppl) yg baru je tiba di bumi Dublin last month. Tak sempat nak kenal betul2 lagi. Ape2 pun, aku harap kite semue still akan dpt keep in touch. InsyaAllah. Hmm. Sekarang ni aku hanya berserah semuenye kpd Allah swt coz only He knows what's the best for me & for all of us. Dalam pd masa yg sama, aku perlu jugak berusaha. That’s for sure.
Kat bawah ni aku selitkan beberapa keping gambar bersama kawan2 lama aku yg kini dah pun berada di Msia. Kpd yg takde dlm gambar2 ni, jgn kecik hati pulak. That doesn’t mean yg aku tak rindu korang. Aku main grab je gambar2 yg ade dlm laptop aku ni. Hahaha. Ape2 pun, I really hope to see these guys in Malaysia soon. Hmm. Kalau korang perasan, I look a bit thinner dlm gambar2 ni berbanding sekarang kan? Hihihi. Well, those are the good old times. :P
p/s: Tak sabar pulak nak habis written exams jumaat depan (7 Nov). Lepas tu, boleh tgk wayang citer Quantum of Solace & beberapa lg citer lain. Yahooo!! :P
With KMBians Class of 2002
UCD+PMC Class of 2008
With classmates (Ilyasak, Aleya, Linie, Maz, Dela, Lina)
With classmates (Farid, Kucop, Manap, Coyeen)
With classmates + Jem
With classmates
With classmates (Ipin, Lan Helmy, Izzuan, Shihab) + Abadi
With classmates (Adie, Fared, Am)

With classmates (Badark, Zettie, Am, Syidah)
With classmates (Zettie, Am, Adie, Rizal)
With classmates (Adie, Rizal, Zettie, Am, Sue)
With friends
With friends
With friends
With friends
With friends
With ex-housemates (Tok Wan, Zaid, Nizam)
With ex-housemates (Acab, Yen, Nizam) + Ali
With friends (Tok Wan, Acab, Johan, Ahmad)
With travelmates (Reza, Jem)
With close friends (Jem, Shafiq Ayman)
With Jem (ex-housemate & best travelmate): now working in Hosp Batu Pahat
With Reza (ex-housemate & travelmate): now working in Hosp Melaka
With Azza (ex-housemate): now Final Year in PMC

With Hafizuddin (ex-schoolmate in MRSM Taiping): now working in Hosp Alor Setar
With Zaid (ex-housemate & ex-classmate): will be working in Hosp Muar soon
With Tok Wan (ex-housemate): now Final Year in PMC
With Acab (ex-housemate): now 4th Year in PMC
With Hanif (ex-housemate): now 4th Year in PMC
With Izzuan (ex-roommate in KMB, ex-housemate & ex-classmate): now working in Hosp Kuantan
With Raja Azmin (ex-classmate): now still waiting to be called for internship
With Abadi (ex-housemate): now 4th Year in PMC

The Triplets. Hehehe