>> Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tanggal 22 November 2004 adalah tarikh keramat bg aku kerana pada tarikh tersebutlah lahirnya blog ‘Aku Sebutir Pasir’. So, it has been 4 years already. Happy belated birthday to my blog!!! (lewat 5 hari). Time really flies very fast, doesn’t it?? Pejam celik, pejam celik dah 4 thn rupenye aku hidup dlm dunia blogging ni. Dlm masa 4 thn ni, terlampau byk pengalaman suka-duka aku tempuhi bersama2 dgn blog ‘Aku Sebutir Pasir’ ni. Sejuta memori telah diukir bersama2. Di blog ini lah aku meluahkan segala kisah2 hidup aku, terutamanya kisah2 pengembaraan aku melihat negara2 org. I just love to share my experiences with others. I don’t really like to keep things just to myself. Harap2nye, ape yg aku ceritakan dlm blog ni dptlah sedikit sebanyak memberi manfaat kepada mereka yg membaca. :)

Sebenarnye, nama asal blog ni bukanlah ‘Aku Sebutir Pasir’, tetapi ‘From Dublin With Love’. Hahaha. What a lame name. Kan?? Heheh. Beberapa minggu selepas kelahiran blog ni, tibe2 tercetus idea utk menukar nama blog ni kpd ‘Aku Sebutir Pasir’. Semuenye gara2 terdengar one of my favourite songs zaman2 dulu, iaitu lagu ‘Aku Sebutir Pasir’ (current background song), nyanyian Fauziah Latif (Hehehe. Suara die best ok!!). Lepas terdengar je lagu tu, terus aku mengambil keputusan utk menukar nama blog aku ni. Aku rasakan bahawa frasa 'Aku Sebutir Pasir' tu mmg sesuai sgt2 utk dijadikan nama blog aku ni memandangkan lumrah diri aku ini (dan juga kita semua sbg hamba-Nya) yg tidak ubah spt sebutir pasir halus di muka bumi Allah yg amat luas ini. So, dari situlah sebenarnya lahirnya nama ‘Aku Sebutir Pasir’. Ni adalah pengakuan ikhlas dari aku. Heheh. I actually had never mentioned about this to anyone. So, this is my first confession on how I got the name ‘Aku Sebutir Pasir’. Hehehe.

Sepanjang 4 thn blog ini wujud, ianya telah mengalami byk perubahan, sejak dari hari pertama kelahirannya sehinggalah sekarang. Alhamdulillah, aku dah byk belajar selok-belok berblogging drp pengalaman sendiri, bacaan2 di internet & juga tunjuk ajar drp mereka yg dah arif dalam bidang ni. Byk juga kenalan2 alam maya yg telah aku temui hasil drp keaktifan aku dlm dunia blogging ini. Ada yg aku sudah jumpe face to face in real life & masih ramai lagi yg belum. Itu adalah salah satu manfaatnya kite berblogging. Bak kate org, berkawan biar seribu, bermusuh jgn satu. Btul? Seriously, blog 'Aku Sebutir Pasir' ni is one of the best things that ever happened to me.

So, tu laa serba sikit yg aku nak tulis sempena ulangtahun ke-4 blog ‘Aku Sebutir Pasir’ ni. Kpd mereka yg setia mengunjungi blog ini, tiada ucapan lain yg mampu aku ucapkan selain jutaan terima kasih. Harapnya korang semue akan terus mengunjungi blog yg tidak seberapa ini utk membaca coretan2 aku. InsyaAllah, aku akan terus menulis & menulis selagi mana termampu. Dan insyaAllah, aku akan update travelogue2 aku yg dah lama tertangguh sejak berbulan2 dahulu. Teruskan memberi sokongan anda. I really appreciate it!!

Sempena ulangtahun ke-4 blog ‘Aku Sebutir Pasir’ ni, aku ingin meminta korang meninggalkan seberapa byk komen ttg blog ni. Tak kisah la sama ada ianya komen yg positif atau negatif. Dgn komen2 yg korang berikan tu nanti, insyaAllah akan aku gunakan utk memperbaiki kekurangan yg ada dlm blog ini. OK?? Selamat mengomen. :)

p/s: I was quite busy with exams a few weeks earlier & I couldn't response to your comments in my previous entries & I'm so sorry for that. InsyaAllah I'll try my best to reply to all your comments as soon as possible. My exam has ended yesterday. For the moment, I’m trembling waiting for the results which probably will come out in early December. Takutnye!!!!!!!


Senandung rindu mendayu
Mengiring langkah yang makin tersungkur
Terlalu jauh pendakian
Begitu tingginya harapan
Bermusim lama mencari
Tak ku temui sampai kini

Tak henti jiwa dipalu
Dugaan demi dugaan menguji
Rebah dan bangun sendirian
Mencari bumbung perteduhan
Mereka riang tertawa
Aku hanya sebatang kara

Perjalanan masa
Mengajar hati
Semakin tabah kini
Di dalam kemarau dan gerimis
Aku tetap gagah mengharungi

Aku bagaikan sebutir pasir
Yang lemah lagi kerdil
Teguhkan keimanan jiwaku
Agar tidak terpesong dari-Mu

Beribu teman ketawa
Payah ku temu yang sanggup bersatu
Di dalam susah dalam senang
Yang hadir cuma kepalsuan
Dugaan demi dugaan
Aku pasrah menadah tangan

Lagu: Adnan Abu Hassan & Adam Ahmad
Lirik: Amran Omar


>> Friday, November 21, 2008

Ini pun adalah entri ulangan. I wrote this entry few months back. Maybe ade yg belum baca lagi. So, selamat membaca & selamat menonton 2 video kat bawah ni. :)

Many of us know how Islam was really flourishing in Europe for a period of 800 years (711-1492), particularly in the Southern part of Spain or better known as the region of Andalusia during the period of Medieval Time or Middle Ages or also known as the Dark Ages according to the Westerners. Everything began in the year 711 when an Umayyad General from North Africa (modern day Morocco) named Tariq bin Ziyad & his army crossed the strait that separating the African & European continents (modern day Strait of Gibraltar) & landed in the land of Hispania (modern day Iberian Peninsular which consists of Spain & Portugal) which at that time was ruled by the cruel & barbaric Visigoths. In just a matter of few years, Tariq bin Ziyad & his army managed to defeat the Visigoths & conquered most of the Iberian peninsular. They then called the new conquered land as Al-Andalus or Andalusia in English.

For almost 800 years, Spain was under the light of Islam. Cities like Cordoba, Granada, Seville & Toledo were the modernest cities in the whole Europe at that time. In Cordoba, the capital city of Islamic Empire in Spain, people live in proper houses made of bricks & there were even street lightings & running waters while people in other part of Europe were still living in wooden houses & mud huts, suffering from the feudalism system & tension from the Catholic Church. Religion, knowledge & culture were the top priorities of the Muslim people back in those years. Names like Ibn Rusyd (Averroes), Al-Zahrawi (Albucasis), Ibn Bajjah (Avempace), Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar), Ibn Al-Baitar, Ibn Jubayr, Ibn Tufail (Abubacer), Al-Jayyani, Al-Zarqali (Arzachel), Al-Majriti & many more were so famous even until now because of their knowledge & contributions to science, music, philosophy etc.

Map of Andalusia in 11th Century

Nevertheless, this great empire was gradually getting weaker & weaker from days to days & it slowly broke up into several individual kingdoms, ruled by different rulers & became rivals among each other. This was seen as a great opportunity by the Catholic kingdoms of Northern Spain to reconquer the land of Spain from the Muslims. Their mission was called 'Reconquista' which means Reconquest in English. From time to time, one by one Muslim cities like Cordoba, Seville, Toledo & many more fell into their hands. In the year 1492, Granada, the last Muslim's stronghold in Spain also eventually fell into the hands of Ferdinand II of Aragon & his queen, Isabella of Castille. This means Catholic kingdoms of Northern Spain have officially succeeded with their mission to reconquer the land of Spain for the Catholic people from the Muslims. And they eventually forced all Muslims & Jews who lived in Spain to convert to Catholicism. This order was called as 'Inquisición' or Inquisition in English. It was established to maintain Catholic orthodoxy in their kingdoms & also as an act of cleanliness of blood in Spain. Those who didn't want to convert were expelled from Spain & have their assets seized. Some were even killed. It was indeed a very ruthless action.

Islamic civilisation in Spain has left us with amazing architectures which among them are Mezquita Cathedral in Cordoba & Alhambra in Granada. Mezquita (Spanish word for mosque) was not actually a cathedral. It was originally a mosque before it was transformed into a cathedral. It was once the 2nd biggest mosque in the world after Masjidil Haram in Mecca & is perhaps the most accomplished monument of the Umayyad Dynasty in Spain. The construction of the mosque started in 784 & was completed in 987. In 1236, it was eventually transformed into a Catholic cathedral during the Spanish Reconquista. Meanwhile, Alhambra which is situated in Granada was a palace & fortress complex of the Muslim rulers of Granada. The constructions of the buildings were completed in the middle of 14th century & it finally fell into the hands of King Ferdinand II of Aragon & Queen Isabella of Castile in 1492.

Mezquita from afar, Cordoba

Mezquita, Cordoba

Interior of Mezquita, Cordoba

Alhambra from afar, Granada

Interior of Alhambra, Granada

Interior of Alhambra, Granada

This is just a short story from the history of Islam in Spain. To those who are interested to know more about it, I'd like to recommend you guys to watch these 2 documentaries that I’ve attached below. It is important to know that without Islamic civilisation in Spain back in the Middle Ages, there won't be Renaissance & there won't even be a modern & civilised Europe that we see these days. All the knowledge that they have today owe it all to the Islamic Spain. Nevertheless, some still neglect this.

So, enjoy watching these 2 documentaries.

p/s: To all Malaysian students who are currently studying in Europe, I highly recommend u all to spend at least 7 days in Spain, particularly the Southern region (Andalusia). You wont regret a second of it. Spain will amaze u. Trust me. There's no word to express its beauty & uniqueness. :)



iSLaM: eMPiRe oF FaiTH

>> Friday, November 14, 2008

Ini adalah entri ulangan sebenarnya. Tuan punye blog hanya sekadar mahu meng'update' blog. To those who haven't watch this documentary, you're highly recommended to do so. This is a very2 good & informative documentary about Islamic Civilisation. Tak rugi utk ditonton. So, enjoy yourselves watching this documentary which consists of 3 parts:

1) Islam: Empire Of Faith 1 - The Messenger
This part deals with the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), his early life, his encounter with God Almighty and the birth of Islam. Islam would become the revitalizing force of the barbaric Arabia, returning people to God and bringing back the monotheistic message of Christianity and Judaism in its most powerful way. Islam women were given rights over their husbands, racism was annihilated and the rich were made equal to the poor. This religion is the solution to all of humanities problems and it is important to learn about it today.

2) Islam: Empire Of Faith 2: The Awakenings
This part relates the golden age of Islam. A time of great learning when Europe was steeped in the Dark Ages. The building of great works of architecture, reading, writing, mathematics, medicine, and astronomy. Even before the printing press Muslims would have hundreds of scribes writing all at once so they would learn and reproduce the writings.

3) Islam: Empire Of Faith 3: The Ottomans
This portion deals with the growing Ottoman Empire, which would control the bridge between 3 continents: Africa, Europe and Asia. This empire would begin at the close of the Crusades until World War I, from the 1300s to 1923. They would rule the entire Middle East and make their way into Europe. Before there was the state of Israel, there was great peace in the Holy Land regulated by the Ottomans.


>> Friday, November 07, 2008

Entri ini sekadar selingan. Tuan punya blog masih sibuk dgn exam. :)

I’m currently in love with Balkan music, music of Southeastern European region that includes Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo, Moldova, Romania, Slovenia & Turkey. It is a type of music distinct from others in Europe. This is mainly because it was influenced by traditional music of the Southeastern European ethnic groups and mutual music influences of this ethnic groups in the period of Ottoman Empire.

Balkan Region Map

Zeljko Joksimovic is one of my favourite music composers. He comes from Serbia & is one of the most popular singers & composers in the Balkan region. He writes hundreds of beautiful songs and 3 of his songs had made to the finals in Eurovision Song Contests in the year 2004, 2006 & 2008. I can listen to those songs over and over again the whole day eventhough I couldn’t understand the meaning of the words.

Zeljko Joksimovic

These 3 songs are:

Zeljko Joksimovic – Lane Moje
This song represented Serbia & Montenegro in Eurovision Song Contest 2004 which was held in Istanbul, Turkey & it won the 2nd place. The song is in Serbian language and it was sung by Zeljko Joksimovic himself. The melody of this song has a mixture of ethno elements and traditional Serbian music.

Zeljko Joksimovic – Lane Moje (official music video)

Zeljko Joksimovic – Lane Moje (live performance during Eurovision Song Contest 2004 in Istanbul)

Hari Mata Hari – Lejla
This song represented Bosnia & Herzegovina in Eurovision Song Contest 2006 which was held in Athens, Greece & it won the 3rd place. The song is in Bosnian language and it was sung by Hari Mata Hari, a popular music band from Bosnia & Herzegovina. The lyrics have a touch of Bosnia & Herzegovina and tell about an unhappy love. Its visual identity contained elements of ancient national decoration and the rich ethnic tradition of the people of Bosnia & Herzegovina in a modern styled variant.

Hari Mata Hari – Lejla (official music video)

Hari Mata Hari – Lejla (live performance during Eurovision Song Contest 2006 in Athens)

Jelena Tomasevic – Oro
This song represented Serbia in Eurovision Song Contest 2008 which was held in Belgrade, Serbia & it won the 6th place. It was performed by a popular Serbian singer named Jelena Tomasevic. The song is in Serbian language, but it also has several versions in different languages such as Spanish, Greek, Portuguese, English, Russian, Swedish, Hebrew and Finnish.

Jelena Tomasevic – Oro (live performance during Eurovision Song Contest 2008 in Belgrade)

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