BRYaN aDaMS.. auTHeNTiC VoiCe

>> Thursday, February 28, 2008

I instantly fell in love with Bryan Adams's voice from the first moment I listened to his famous song, 'Everything I Do (I Do It For You). That was like years ago. His wet husky kind of voice is soo authentic and soothing, everytime I listen to his songs, I feel calm & all tensions are gone straightaway. This guy was born in 1959 (same year my mom was born). He is almost 49 years old now, but his voice has never changed a bit since he started his career in 1977. His voice sounds the same in or out of the recording studio. That's what I call a 'real singing voice'.

Below are 3 videos of his performance in a live concert held in Slane Castle, County Meath, Ireland in the year of 2000. Enjoy watching.. :)

1) Everything I Do (I Do It For You)

2) Heaven

3) When You're Gone (duet with Melanie C)


a TRiBuTe To aBaDi SuFaaT

>> Monday, February 25, 2008

Abadi Sufaat. Sape yg tak kenal nama ni, maka dia bukanlah warga Malaysia di Ireland. Abadi tiba di Dublin, Ireland pd thn 2003 & Sabtu lepas, tepat pukul 6.40 pagi, dia telah meninggalkan bumi Dublin buat selama2nya utk menyambung clinical years di Penang Medical College. Aku & beberapa lagi pelajar Malaysia yg lain berasa agak sayu jugak sebenarnya sewaktu menemani pemergiannya di Dublin Airport hari tu. Dia tak menunjukkan perasaan sedih di hadapan kami. Tapi, aku yakin, dalam hati dia, mesti dia sedih nak meninggalkan bumi Ireland yg merupakan satu fasa hidupnya yg amat berharga. Malam sebelum pemergiannya, kami telah mengadakan majlis perpisahan utknya. Ramai yg datang, menunjukkan yg ramai org menghargai kehadirannya di bumi Dublin ini.

Kepulangannya ke Malaysia menyebabkan pelajar2 Malaysia di Ireland kehilangan permata yg sgt2 berharga. Sepanjang dia berada di bumi Ireland ni, dia telah byk menyumbang jasa kpd byk persatuan pelajar spt Persatuan Pelajar Islam Malaysia Ireland (PPIMI), Federation of Student Islamic Societies in the UK and Ireland (FOSIS), Islamic Societies (ISOC) & banyak lagi. Abadi bukan saja terkenal di kalangan pelajar Malaysia, tapi jugak di kalangan pelajar2 dari negara2 lain kerana keaktifannya.

He is also called 'the guy with thousand talents' as he can do all things that u ask him to do. He can organise events, he can be the chairman, he can do technical stuffs, he can take beautiful photos and he can even sing! Eventhough he was busy doing all those kind of extracurricular stuffs, he can still manage to excel in his studies. That what makes me envy him so much coz I'm totally not able to be like him.

I actually know him since his first year in Dublin, but we were not that close coz we were in different universities, in different batches and in different houses. I only get to know him better after he moved into my house last year in September. 5 months is really a very2 short time, but I appreciate every moment I spent with him. He's indeed a cool and down to earth kind of guy with nice smile. He never shows in anger no matter how u try to get on his nerves. He will forever keep on smiling. OMG. How is he able to do that?? Well. That what makes him special.

Ape2 pun, kami di Ireland sentiasa mendoakan kejayaannya. I'm looking forward to meet him again in Penang coz some of my stuffs are with him. I shipped a few things to Malaysia using his shipping boxes. Hehehe.

Aku pun dah nak balik Malaysia buat selama2nya bulan June nanti (insyaAllah). Tinggal lebih kurang 4 bulan saje lagi utk aku habiskan sisa2 hidup aku di bumi Ireland ni. Kejap betul rasenye. Hmmm. Macam mana la perasaannya meninggalkan Ireland nanti ye?? Wallahu 'alam...

me n Abadi di Hari Raya October 2007

Sewaktu di Dublin Airport



>> Friday, February 22, 2008

Kat bawah ni aku selitkan sebuah video filem animasi berbahasa Inggeris yang bertajuk 'Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih'. Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih atau Sultan Mehmet II adalah antara Sultan Empayar Turki Uthmaniyah yang teragung kerana kejayaannya & tenteranya menawan kota Constantinople pada tahun 1453M. Penawanan kota tersebut secara langsung menamatkan riwayat Empayar Byzantine (Rom Timur) yang pada waktu itu sudah pun berusia 1,100 tahun. Constantine XI merupakan Maharaja zalim yang memerintah pada waktu tersebut & merupakan Maharaja Empayar Byzantine yang terakhir sebelum jatuhnya kota Constantinople ke tangan Empayar Turki Uthmaniyah.

Sejurus selepas penawanan Constantinople, Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih menukarkan namanya kepada Islambul (yg bermaksud kota Islam dalam Bahasa Turki). Aku pun tidak pasti bagaimana nama Islambul boleh bertukar menjadi Istanbul. Apa2 pun, kita sebagai umat Islam patut berbangga atas kejayaan yg dicapai oleh Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih & tenteranya. Taktik peperangan yang digunakan untuk menawan kota tersebut adalah antara taktik-taktik peperangan yang paling bijak & menggemparkan dalam sejarah dunia. Alatan-alatan peperangan yang digunakan juga merupakan alatan-alatan peperangan yang paling canggih pada zaman tersebut yang mampu menggerunkan mana-mana pihak musuh.

Sesungguhnya penawanan kota Istanbul itu telah pun diramalkan oleh Rasulullah SAW dalam sebuah hadis yg berbunyi: "Sesungguhnya, umatku akan menawan kota Constantinople. Pemimpinnya adalah sebaik-baik pemimpin & tenteranya adalah sebaik-baik tentera". Selepas kota Istanbul berjaya ditawan, antara perkara pertama yang dilakukan oleh Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih ialah menukar fungsi gereja Hagia Sophia menjadi masjid. Gereja Hagia Sophia merupakan pusat kepada agama Kristian mazhab Greek Orthodox pada waktu tersebut, yang merupakan mazhab agama Kristian yang dianuti oleh pemerintah & rakyat Empayar Byzantine. Ianya setaraf dengan St Peter's Basilica di Vatican City yang merupakan pusat kepada agama Kristian mazhab Katholik. Hagia Sophia siap dibina pada tahun 537M sewaktu pemerintahan Maharaja yang bernama Justinian I. Keindahan senibinanya menjadikannya sebagai bangunan yang paling masyhur di rantau Mediterranean ketika zaman kegemilangan Empayar Byzantine. Strukturnya masih kukuh sehingga ke hari ini walaupun usianya hampir menjangkau 1,500 tahun.

Selepas penukaran fungsi gereja Hagia Sophia menjadi masjid, Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih telah berkata, "Barangsiapa yang menukar masjid Hagia Sophia itu kembali kepada gereja, maka akan berolehlah baginya kutukan & laknat dariku & dari Tuhan Masjid Hagia Sophia itu." Laknat itu akhirnya jatuh ke muka Mustafa Kamal Attaturk apabila beliau menukar fungsi masjid itu menjadi muzium pada tahun 1935 & mengikis semula segala tampalan2 yg dibuat oleh umat Islam zaman Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih utk menyembunyikan mozek2 Kristian Greek Orthodox yg berunsur syirik. Wallahu 'alam.

Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Turki

Ruang dalaman Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Turki

Antara mozek-mozek Kristian Greek Orthodox di dalam Hagia Sophia yg dipamerkan semula selepas disembunyikan selama lebih kurang 480 tahun

Utk mengetahui lebih lanjut lagi tentang bagaimana Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih & tenteranya menawan Constantinople aka Istanbul, saksikanlah video filem animasi di bawah:



>> Monday, February 18, 2008

Kat bawah ni aku selitkan 2 buah video menarik tentang Nabi Muhammad SAW. Video yg pertama bertajuk 'The Message', iaitu sebuah filem yg diterbitkan pada tahun 1976 yg mengisahkan tentang kehidupan Rasulullah SAW & masyarakat Arab sebelum, sewaktu & selepas kedatangan Islam. Video ke-2 pula adalah sebuah dokumentari bertajuk 'Muhammad: Legacy Of A Prophet' yg mengisarkan tentang kisah hidup Rasulullah SAW & bagaimana Islam disebarkan ke seluruh dunia. Selamat menonton & semoga korang mendapat banyak informasi dgn menonton video2 ni.

1) The Message

2) Muhammad: Legacy Of A Prophet


HiSToRY oF iSLaMiC CiViLiSaTioN iN euRoPe

>> Friday, February 15, 2008

Most of us know how Islam was really flourishing in Europe for 700 years (8-15th century), particularly in the Southern part of Spain or better known as the region of Andalusia during the period of Medieval Time or Middle Ages or also known as the Dark Ages according to the Europeans. Cities like Cordoba, Granada, Seville & Toledo were the modernest cities in the whole Europe at that time. In Cordoba, the capital city of Islamic Empire in Spain, people live in proper houses made of bricks & there were even lamp posts on the roads while people in other part of Europe were still living in wooden houses, suffering from the feudalism system & tension from the Church. Religion, knowledge & culture were the top priorities of the Muslim people back in those years. Names like Ibnu Rusyd, Ibnu Sina and many more were so famous because of their knowledge & contributions.

Nevertheless, this great empire was soon getting weaker & weaker from days to days. This was seen as a great opportunity for Christian kingdoms of Northern Spain to reconquer the land of Spain from the Muslims. Their mission was called 'Reconquista' which means Reconquest in English. From time to time, one by one Muslim cities like Cordoba, Seville, Toledo & many more fell into their hands. In the year of 1492, Granada, the last Muslim's stronghold in Spain also eventually fell into the hands of Ferdinand II of Aragon & his queen, Isabella of Castille. This means Christian kingdoms of Northern Spain have officially succeeded with their mission to reconquer the land of Spain for the Christian people from the Muslims. And they eventually forced all Muslims & Jews who lived in Spain to convert to Christianity. This order was called as 'Inquisición' or Inquisition in English. It was established to maintain Catholic orthodoxy in their kingdoms & also as an act of cleanliness of blood in Spain. Those who didn't want to convert were expelled from Spain & have their assets seized. Some were even killed. It was indeed a very ruthless action.

This is just a short story from the history of Islam in Spain. To those who are interested to know more about it, I'd like to recommend you guys to watch these documentaries. It is important to know that without Islamic civilisation in Spain back in the Middle Ages, there won't be Renaissance & there won't even be a modern & civilised Europe that we see these days. All knowledge that they have today are all sourcing from the Islamic Spain during the Middle Ages. Nevertheless, some still don't want to admit this. So, enjoy watching these documentaries:




ISLaM: eMPiRe oF FaiTH

>> Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Aku dah pernah promote video documentary ni sebelum ni. But I feel like to promote it again since it is a very2 good & informative documentary about Islamic Civilisation. Tak rugi utk ditonton. So, enjoy yourself watching this documentary which consists of 3 parts:

1) Islam: Empire Of Faith 1 - The Messenger
This part deals with the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), his early life, his encounter with God Almighty and the birth of Islam. Islam would become the revitalizing force of the barbaric Arabia, returning people to God and bringing back the monotheistic message of Christianity and Judaism in its most powerful way. Islam women were given rights over their husbands, racism was annihilated and the rich were made equal to the poor. This religion is the solution to all of humanities problems and it is important to learn about it today.

2) Islam: Empire Of Faith 2: The Awakenings
This part relates the golden age of Islam. A time of great learning when Europe was steeped in the Dark Ages. The building of great works of architecture, reading, writing, mathematics, medicine, and astronomy. Even before the printing press Muslims would have hundreds of scribes writing all at once so they would learn and reproduce the writings.

3) Islam: Empire Of Faith 3: The Ottomans
This portion deals with the growing Ottoman Empire, which would control the bridge between 3 continents: Africa, Europe and Asia. This empire would begin at the close of the Crusades until World War I, from the 1300s to 1923. They would rule the entire Middle East and make their way into Europe. Before there was the state of Israel, there was great peace in the Holy Land regulated by the Ottomans.


THe RoaD To GuaNTaNaMo

>> Saturday, February 09, 2008

I just watched a movie which is based on true events called 'The Road To Guantanamo' and I felt that I need to share this movie with u all. It is really2 worth watching. Enjoy. Below is the synopsis of the movie:

Not long after the event of 9/11 in year 2001, a British born Pakistani named Asif Iqbal went to his village in Pakistan to meet his future wife as his mother insisted. He agreed to marry the girl & decided to get married in Pakistan. So, he invited his 3 close friends who are a British born Pakistani named Shafiq Rasul & 2 British born Bangladeshis named Ruhal Ahmed & Monir to attend his wedding. However, before the wedding, they all decided to go to Afghanistan to see the situation in the country. Out of their expectations, Afghanistan was being bombed by the American forces in retaliation for the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Once there, with the loss of Monir in the wartime chaos, they were captured by Northern Alliance fighters. They were then handed over to the American forces who transported them to the prison camps at the Guantanamo Bay base in Cuba. What followed was three years of relentless imprisonment, interrogations and torture to make them submit to blatantly wrong confessions to being terrorists. In the midst of this abuse, the three struggled to keep their spirits up in that face of this grave injustice.


KiSaH MaRYaM a.s.

>> Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Video kat bawah ni adalah video sebuah filem yg bertajuk 'Saint Mary' yg mengisahkan tentang sejarah hidup Maryam a.s sejak kelahirannya sehinggalah kelahiran Nabi Isa a.s dalam versi Islam/Al-Quran. Sebuah filem yang amat menarik & perlu ditonton. Filem ini adalah dalam Bahasa Parsi & mengandungi sarikata Bahasa Inggeris. Selamat menonton..

p/s: Sila pause dahulu lagu di mp3 player sebelum korang play video kat bawah ni.

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