>> Thursday, June 28, 2007

I was tagged by Makcik Ina who was tagged by Abg Idham in his blog . BY 26th August ( his birthday ) he's planning to to have 100 bloggers who complete this meme and each meme is worth RM127 and 100 ~ RM10000 which he will donate to this orphanage. Anyone who wishes to support his effort can do so. No need to wait to be tagged. Remember, we need 100 memes by 26th August. Once this tag is done, please leave a comment in his blog to inform him that you have done the tag.

The meme is about completing at least seventeen out of the following twenty seven sentences........ *These can be copied and pasted to your entry*

1. A person is only as good as ....... he/she is always being honest with you

2. Friendship is always ...... forever

3. To love is to........ care and always be there

4. Money makes me...... eager to spend it

5. I miss ...... my childhood times where there were no problems at all

6. My way of saying I care is by ..... hugging them and spending time with them

7. I try to spread love and happiness by...... spending more time with the people I love

8. Pick the flowers when....... (seriously no idea)

9. To love someone is to........ care about him/her

10. Beauty is..... subjective. Nobody has the right to judge the beauty of someone in front of other people.

11. When I was thirteen, what I remember the most was...... my first day in secondary school which actually made me nervous without any understandable reasons. Heheheh

12. When I was twenty one, I remember....... my first time going back to Malaysia from Ireland. Only oversea students know how it feels like. Hihihi

13. I am most happy when ....... I'm with the people who I love

14. Nothing makes me happier than ....... being a good friend, a good son and a good Muslim

15. If I can change one thing, I will change........ nothing. There are always some reasons for all things to happen. Believing in Qada & Qadar is one of the Rukun Iman you know.

16. If smiles were...... able to stop the hatred among people in this world...

17. Wouldn't it be nice if we could........ fly using our wings, so that we can travel all around the world by ourselves

18. If you want to ..... be a good person, then you have to get to know every persons around you first

19. Money is not everything but....... without it, you will have nothing in this world

20. The most touching moments I have experienced is..... the first time I fly to Ireland where my family members were crying including me. Huhuhu

21. I smile when........ I'm thinking about my family and my friends

22. When I am happy, I....... smile and sing a lot. Hihihi

23. If only I don't have to ...... study and work hard to get my degree as soon as possible, I would want to go travel all around the world for one year

24. The best thing I did yesterday was.... visiting my grandma in Ipoh and gave her a present from Turkey (a tudung)

25. If I ever write a book, I will give it this title, "A Traveller's Story"

26. One thing I must do before I die is..... to perform Haj in Mecca and to visit Islamic historical places in Middle East

27. Doing this meme, I feel like ........ I have given my birthday present to Abg Idham and see his smile widely spread to the orphans, InsyaAllah. (tiru ayat makcik Ina. Takpe eh. Hihih)

The next tags go to:
Sari Intan, Umie, Diana, Niesa, Dalie & Muna


MaNuSia HaNYa MeRaNCaNG...

>> Monday, June 25, 2007

Mmg betul kata org, manusia hanya merancang, tapi Allah swt yg Maha Menentukan Segala-galanya...

Pagi tadi aku & parents aku gi MAS punye office kat Penang. Kononnye nak tukar tarikh tiket balik ke Dublin, sbb masa aku beli dulu, aku letak tarikh balik Dublin on 11 September. Sbb aku letak tarikh 11 September adalah kerana harga tiket balik on that day adalah yg paling murah (765 Euro). Tarikh lain agak mahal. Akan tetapi, kelas aku akan start on 3 September. So, aku kena balik Dublin semula by end of August.

Kat MAS punye office tadi, aku pun cakap la kat akak yg jaga kaunter tu yg aku nak tukar tarikh balik ke 28 August. Die check2 rupe2nye seat bulan 8 ke London semua dah penuh utk tiket special price mcm tiket aku. The latest one is 30 July. Tu pun 5 seats je yg tinggal. Aku panik giler. Then, aku pun bincang2 dgn parents aku. Dieorg ingat nak upgrade ticket aku ke Business Class, tapi kena bayar mahal gile. Last2, terpaksa jugak la aku tukar tarikh balik ke 30 July. I had no choice. Aku mmg kena balik b4 start kelas sbb aku akan buat rotation Obstretrics & Gynaecology yg tidak membenarkan aku ponteng walaupun sehari. Huhuhuhu. Seriously, aku rase macam nak nangis pun ade tadi. Nasib baik la parents aku tenangkan aku. Setiap apa yg berlaku tu ada rahmatnya. Allah swt je yg Maha Mengetahui..

So, terpaksa la aku balik ke Dublin on 30 July nanti. Dan aku terpaksa juga cancel trip aku ke Sabah. Burn RM200 tiket Air Asia yg aku dah book. Hmmm. Nak buat mcm mana. Benda dah jadi. Sebelum ni takde ape2 masalah pun sewaktu aku nak tukar tarikh balik ke Dublin. 2 kali aku buat mcm tu (tahun 2003 & 2005). Tibe2 tahun ni pulak timbul masalah. Geram betul. Dah la kena bayar 50 Euro utk tukar tarikh. Sebelum ni aku tukar tak kena bayar ape2 pun. Well, inilah namanya nasib. Ape2 pun, aku redha je dgn kehendak Allah swt. Aku yakin, mesti ada rahmat yg terselindung. Wallahu 'alam...


i'M BaCK iN MaLaYSia!!!!

>> Sunday, June 24, 2007

Alhamdulillah.. Aku selamat mendarat kat Penang Airport tepat pukul 8.00 mlm semalam. My parents picked me up & we went straight home to Parit Buntar after that. Weather shock yg aku alami semlm amatlah ketara. Berpeluh2 tak hingat!! Maklum laa.. Dah dekat 2 tahun tak balik Msia. Hihihihi..

Sampai2 je rumah, mak aku kasi kad jemputan kahwin Adlee, member aku kat MRSM Taiping dulu. Kenduri die esok kat Taiping. Perghh. Sampai2 Msia je terus dpt jemputan kahwin. So, pd waktu tgh hari tadi, my dad & I pergi la ke Taiping utk menghadiri kenduri kahwin si Adlee ni. Wife die name Fieda. Lepas je gi kenduri kahwin tu, kiteorg terus pulang ke Pt Buntar. Bile dah sampai, aku gi beli sim card Maxis & jugak gi potong rambut. Fanasss... Hihihih..

So, tu la serba sedikit cerita aku kat Msia dlm masa lebih kurang 24 jam ni. Kpd mereka yg menantikan travelogue Mesir aku, harap bersabar ye. InsyaAllah aku akan update tak lama lagi.. :)

By the way, ni contact numbers aku kat Msia. In case kalau nak belanja makan ke ape ke. Hihihihi.

Mobile: 012 5071982
Home: 05 7169199


a TRiBuTe To JeM

>> Saturday, June 16, 2007

Video ni khas ditujukan kpd one of my best buddies, iaitu Jem, yg dah pun balik ke Msia for good.. We've known each other since in Kolej MARA Banting. It's been almost 7 years now. He's also my most loyal travel companion. Goshh.. I'm so gonna miss the times we were together travelling all around Europe..

p/s: sila stopkan lagu di 'mp3 player' utk mendengar lagu di dalam video ini..



>> Monday, June 11, 2007

Pergh.. Dah 2 minggu lebih aku tak update blog aku ni.. Dah bersawang, bersarang labah2 habis dah.. Sorry laa. I've been busy all this while.. 2 minggu rotation psychiatry kat Limerick.. Lepas tu, sibuk dgn budak2 UCD yg baru saje graduate hari khamis lepas..

Actually, aku patut balik ke Dublin dari Limerick on last Friday. Tapi, disebabkan bebudak UCD (University College Dublin) Medical Students Class of 2007 punye graduation jatuh on hari Khamis, so aku terpaksa balik ke Dublin pada hari Rabu petang. Aku terpaksa menipu consultant aku kat Hospital Limerick tu. I told him that I had to attend an oral exam on Thursday. Aku terpaksa menipu sbb consultant aku tu agak strict & aku rase die takkan bagi peluang aku balik awal kalau aku bagi alasan nak pergi graduation senior aku. Hmmm. Rase bersalah sbb menipu tu ade jugak, tapi nak buat mcm mana. I had no choice. Graduation bebudak UCD Class of 2007 tu lebih penting bagi aku.

Sbb aku kate graduation dieorg lebih penting bagi aku adalah kerana dieorg semue tu sebaya umur dgn aku (1982 babies). Aku graduate next year (lewat setahun) sbb aku buat foundation year (premed) dahulu sewaktu kiteorg mule2 sampai Dublin dulu, sedangkan dieorg ni terus masuk 1st med. Kirenye, aku rugi setahun laa. Hmm. Nak buat mcm mana. Result IB aku sewaktu blajar kat Kolej MARA Banting tu tak hebat mane. Rezeki masing2 kan. So, sbb tu la graduation dieorg ni sgt penting bagi aku. Hati aku betul2 gembira sbb dpt tgk dieorg semua masing2 berjaya memperoleh segulung ijazah yg membawa gelaran 'doktor'. InsyaAllah kalau takde aral melintang, next year will be my turn pulak. Doa2kan la aku ye. Hihihi.

Aku & Rizal diberi tiket oleh Jem utk masuk ke dalam dewan graduation. Thanx Jem!!! Upacara penyampaian ijazah tu berlangsung lebih kurang sejam lebih. Ramai juga parents yg datang menyaksikan anak2 dieorg menaiki pentas menerima ijazah2 tu. Bangga betul dieorg. Lepas habis je upacara tu, tiba la masa utk bergambar. Kiteorg spent hampir 2-3 jam utk bergambar dgn doktor2 baru. Tahniah aku ucapkan kpd Ina, Aini, Niesa, Son, Jem, Azreen, Shaz, Nazeera, Ika, Valerie, Dyian, Kojek, Azni, Dilah, Shira, Azhar, Reza, Shafiq, Hani & Arnee yg akhirnya berjaya memperoleh gelaran 'doktor' setelah 5 tahun berhempas pulas dalam medical school. Begitu juga aku ucapkan kpd semue member2 aku yg blajar di Trinity College Dublin, Royal College Of Surgeons Ireland, National University Of Ireland Galway, University College Cork & juga yg belajar di UK.

Bersama Jem & Carl Lusby Sewaktu Graduation Day

Bersama Jem Sewaktu Graduation Day

Di Dalam Dewan Graduation

Di Dalam Dewan Graduation

Jem Menerima Ijazah Kedoktoran

Bersama Jem & Ijazahnya

Bersama Dyian, Shaz, Hani & Jem Sewaktu Graduation Day

Bersama Jem & Niesa Sewaktu Graduation Day

Bersama Jem Sewaktu Graduation Day

Graduation Day

Graduation Day

Bersama Nazeera, Hani, Azreen, Dyian & Jem Sewaktu Graduation Day

Bersama Jem & Arnee Sewaktu Graduation Day

Bersama Shafiq & Jem Sewaktu Graduation Day

Bersama Reza Sewaktu Graduation Day

Graduan-Graduan UCD Medical Students Class Of 2007

Graduation Day

Graduation Day

Lepas graduation, ramai bebudak UCD balik ke Msia for good. Cuma beberapa org sahaja yg dpt kerja di Ireland. Ptg tadi, aku & member2 aku yg lain pergi ke Dublin Airport utk menghantar Jem & Reza balik ke Msia for good. Sedih rasenye. Tapi, memandangkan aku pun akan balik ke Msia utk cuti summer 11 hari lagi, so aku takde la rasa sedih sgt sbb aku dpt jugak berjumpe dgn dieorg berdua kat Msia tak lama lagi. Hihihi. Cuma yg sedihnye, aku takkan dpt bersama2 dieorg lagi kat bumi Dublin ni. It won't be the same here without them. Hmmm. Jem & Reza adalah 2 org sahabat aku yg sangat rapat dgn aku. Dieorg la travel companions aku yg paling setia. Lepas ni, aku dah tak boleh dah nak travel bersama2 dgn dieorg berdua. Sedih jugak laa. Hmmmm. Ape2 pun, aku ucapkan selamat berjaya kpd dieorg berdua. InsyaAllah kite akan berjumpe di Msia nanti.

Bersama Jem & Reza Di Dublin Airport

Bersama Jem & Reza Di Dublin Airport

Bersama Jem Di Dublin Airport

Bersama Reza Di Dublin Airport

Last but not least, aku skali lagi ingin mengucapkan tahniah kpd2 doktor2 baru hasil keluaran Ireland. Semoga korang semua dpt memberi khidmat yg terbaik di tanah air nanti. Jgn lupekan kiteorg yg masih lagi terkontang-kanting di bumi Ireland ni. Doakan kejayaan kiteorg bersama. InsyaAllah kiteorg akan mengikuti jejak langkah korang semua tak lama lagi...

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