Thursday, November 22, 2007


OK. Sebelum ni, aku bercadang utk bersara terus dlm dunia travelling. Akan tetapi, who am I kidding??? I am who I am. I am a student with a part time job as a traveller. I cannot retrain myself from travelling. It is already a part of me. Ditambah pulak dgn cuti winter 5 minggu & jugak kenaikan elaun saraan hidup sebanyak 50%. So, I've decided to spend my winter break travelling around Europe starting on 24 November until 20 December. Yahooo!!

I've already booked flight tickets & also few hostels to stay in. I'll be going to step my feet on 7 countries including 2 countries which I've been to before, like UK (Newcastle) & France (Nice, Cannes, Marseille). The other 5 countries are Latvia (Riga), Lithuania (Vilnius), Estonia (Tallinn), Morocco (Marrakesh, Casablanca, Rabat, Tangier, Meknes, Fes) & last but not least, Monaco (Monte Carlo).

Unfortunately, I will spend my time alone in those places except for France, Monaco & Newcastle. It is because the dates that I chose are too early, where most students in Dublin still haven't started their winter break yet. Most of them will start having it on around mid of December. I think my batch (Final Year UCD) is the only batch who will start our winter break starting on 24 Nov and will be finished in early January. And unfortunately, people in my batch are not interested to go to those places. They have their own plans. So, whether I like it or not, I have to go alone. I chose to go early because the tickets after mid Dec are expensive. The earlier dates are much more cheaper. Huhuhuhu. Anyway, I hope it will be safe to go alone. For France & Monaco, I'll be going there with my juniors, Asrih & Thani who are 2nd Year RCSI students & Muaz, a 1st Year RCSI student. I'm sure it would be fun to go there with them. Can't wait already. And for Newcastle, I have a friend there, named Rosman. So, I'll be staying at his house.

OK la. Apa2 pun, aku harap winter trip aku yg mengambil masa hampir sebulan ni akan berjalan dgn lancar tanpa sebarang masalah. Doa2kan keselamatan aku ok. InsyaAllah lepas balik dari winter trip ni, aku akan tulis travelogue ttg pengalaman aku menjejakkan kaki di tempat2 yg disebut di atas. Tungguuuuu..... :)

Kat bawah ni adalah jadual perjalanan aku:

24 Nov – Dublin to Riga (12.50 pm – 5.50 pm) (Ryanair flight)

24 Nov – Riga to Tallinn (11.40 pm – 4.45 am*) (Eurolines bus)

25 Nov – Tallinn to Vilnius (9.00 pm – 6.20 am*) (Eurolines bus)

26 Nov – Vilnius

27 Nov – Vilnius to Riga (10.00 am – 2.30 pm) (Eurolines bus)

28 Nov – Riga to Dublin (9.30 pm – 10.35 pm) (Ryanair flight)

29 Nov - Dublin to Newcastle (8.45 pm - 9.45 pm) (Ryanair flight)

30 Nov - Newcastle

01 Dec - Newcastle

02 Dec - Newcastle

03 Dec - Newcastle to Dublin (10.10 pm - 11.10 pm) (Ryanair flight)

04 Dec – Dublin to London Luton (5.55 pm – 7.00 pm) (Ryanair flight)

05 Dec – London Luton to Marrakesh (6.00 am – 9.35 am) (Ryanair flight)

05 Dec – Marrakesh to Casablanca (7.00 pm – 10.10 pm) (train)

06 Dec – Casablanca to Rabat (8.00 pm – 9.00 pm) (train)

07 Dec – Rabat

08 Dec – Rabat to Tangier (5.47 pm – 10.35 pm) (train)

09 Dec – Tangier to Meknes (5.15 pm – 9.31 pm) (train)

10 Dec – Meknes to Fes (7.34 pm – 8.10 pm) (train)

11 Dec – Fes

12 Dec – Fes to Marrakesh (2.50 pm - 10.05 pm) (train)

13 Dec – Marrakesh

14 Dec – Marrakesh to London Luton (10.00 am – 1.40 pm) (Ryanair flight)

15 Dec – London Luton to Dublin (6.25 am – 7.35 am) (Ryanair flight)

16 Dec – Dublin to Nice (6.25 am – 9.45 am) (Ryanair flight)

17 Dec – Nice to Monte Carlo (9.10 am – 9.27 am) (train)

17 Dec – Monte Carlo to Nice (9.51 pm – 10.08 pm) (train)

18 Dec – Nice to Cannes (9.00 am – 9.40 am) (train)

18 Dec – Cannes to Marseille (6.22 pm – 8.30 pm) (train)

19 Dec – Marseille to Nice (5.34 pm – 8.20 pm) (train)

20 Dec – Nice to Dublin (11.15 am – 12.50 pm) (Ryanair flight)

Tempat2 yg bertanda merah adalah tempat2 yg aku akan jejaki Winter ni:


Baltic Countries (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia)

Newcastle, UK


French Riviera (Nice, Cannes, Marseille, Monte Carlo)

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