Thursday, August 02, 2007

39 DaYS in MaLaYSia (PaRT I)

Well. I'm now back to miserable, long & boring student life in Dublin after short & wonderful break in Malaysia. Actually, I'm supposed to be staying in Malaysia until end of August, but bcoz of a stupid mistake which I think u guys already knew, I'm already in Dublin a month earlier. It really sucks!!! Org lain semua tgh enjoy their days in Malaysia while I'm now pursuing a boring life in Dublin. Wahahahaha!! I wanna go back to Malaysia. I miss my family n frenzz already!!

I'm now staying at Fyzal's house. He didn't go back to Msia coz he's now doing a research. My housemates pulak cuma ada 4 org je yg tak balik Msia. 2 org lagi tgh travel around Europe. So, skarang ni cuma ada 2 org je la kat my house. I decided to tumpang Fyzal's house coz kat rumah dia ada internet. Internet kat my house had been terminated a few months ago. Bln August nanti baru sambung balik kot. So, in the meantime, I have to stay at Fyzal's house coz I sooo can't live without internet!! Heheheh

OK laa. Aku nak ambik peluang ni utk ceritakan my experiences in Msia. As the title suggests, I spent only 39 days in Malaysia, starting on the day I arrived at Penang Airport (22 June) until the day I flew back to Dublin (30 July). That was indeed the shortest break in Malaysia that I have so far. Sedih2. Byk plan yg terpaksa dicancel spt holidays in Sabah, visiting MRSM Taiping, visiting Kolej Mara Banting & juga attending my friends' weddings. Nak buat mcm mana. Dah suratan takdir kan.

A day after my arrival in Msia, I attended Adlee's wedding. He is my ex-schoolmate back in MRSM Taiping. Perghh.. Sampai2 Msia je, terus kene gi kenduri kahwin. Lepas tu, on 29 Jun (Friday evening), I drove to Penang to visit my friends who are now pursuing their medical studies in Penang Medical College. Before this they were doing their 2 years in Ireland. Aku lepak kat rumah my junior, Azza who happens to stay with Nuzul & Hany. Pd waktu mlmnya, aku dipaksa utk belanja dieorg makan KFC. Huhuhu. Then, aku, Azza, Tok Wan & Bibik went to watch Transformers at Queensbay Mall. The movie was indeed superb!!

The next day, Azza & his classmates except Hany had to go to KL to attend a wedding. So, tinggallah aku & Hany. On the same day, Zaid, my ex-classmate kat UCD came to pay me a visit at Azza's house. Thank God. Kalau tak, mmg mati kutu aku taktau nak buat ape2. Die dgn baik hatinya membawa aku jumpe Mie, Anas, Farid, Manap & Ilyasak. Lepas jugak rindu aku kat dieorg. Zaid tinggalkan aku kat rumah Farid, Manap & Ilyasak coz he had a tennis appointment dgn girlfriend dia. Pd waktu ptgnya, Farid & Manap bawak aku makan kat Batu Uban. Boleh tahan la sedapnya makan kat situ. Lepas makan, kiteorg shopping kejap kat Tesco sebelum dieorg hantar aku semula ke rumah Azza. The next day, aku pun meninggalkan Penang lepas makan lunch dgn Hany. Aku kemudiannya drive ke Kulim utk jumpa Ipin, my ex-roommate kat MRSM Taiping dulu. Die dah pun berkeluarga. Dah ada sorang anak dah. Hihihi. Lepas ziarah dia, aku pun drive balik ke rumah.

On 5 July, aku ikut ayah aku gi Shah Alam utk hantar my sister ke ITM Shah Alam. Kiteorg spent one night kat my uncle's house kat Klang. The next day baru la kiteorg same2 gi ITM Shah Alam utk hantar adik aku tu for her registration day for 2nd semester in that uni. Lepas tu, aku naik bas ke KL utk ke rumah Hanif, my junior in UCD. Sementara ayah aku pulak terus drive balik ke Pt Buntar. Aku bermalam 2 mlm di rumah Hanif. Tujuan aku stay kat rumah dia adalah sbb I need to attend a wedding in Shah Alam. It was Kak La's wedding. Kak La or her real name Rozaila is Raja Rafy's sister which happens to be a good friend of mine too. Raja Rafy is used to be my schoolmate in MRSM Taiping. Aku pada mulanya plan utk naik komuter from KL to Shah Alam & then take cab from Shah Alam's commuter station to the wedding house. Tapi, Hanif dgn baik hatinya offer utk drive aku ke sana. Alhamdulillah. Jimat tenaga & duit aku. Hihihih. At the wedding, I met Nurul, PMC student yg baru saja grad. She also happens to be kawan Kak La jugak.

Kak La's Wedding kat Shah Alam

After spending 2 nights at Hanif's house, on Sunday, we both went to KLCC utk jumpe Jem & his friends, Etonk & Aris. Selepas lepak2 kejap, kiteorg pun berpecah. Hanif pergi jumpe his girlfriend & Aris pulak went back to his house. Tinggallah Aku, Jem & Etonk bertiga. Kiteorg kemudiannya naik bas ke rumah kakak Jem di Selayang utk bermalam di situ. Kiteorg bertiga akan ke Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences esok utk mendengar talk yg akan diberi oleh Dr Latif, seorg pensyarah perubatan di situ.

Keesokannya, kiteorg bertiga ke Subang Jaya dahulu dengan menaiki bas & komuter utk berjumpa dgn Baby. Dialah yg akan drive kiteorg bertiga ke Cyberjaya. Setibanya kiteorg di Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences, kiteorg berjumpe pula dgn Azreen, Niesa, Ikha, Jazree & Hanif Trinity College. Tak ramai pun yg datang. Talk drp Dr Latif bermula tidak lama kemudian. Ianya berkenaan dgn future career as a doctor yg bagi kiteorg tersangat2lah berguna utk dijadikan panduan. Kiteorg betul2 berterima kasih dgn Dr Latif yg sedikit sebanyak telah membuka mata & minda kiteorg ttg kerjaya sbg doktor di Msia ni.

Kat Cyberjaya

Kat Cyberjaya

Lepas makan tgh hari di situ yg dibelanja oleh Dr Latif, aku, Jem & Baby dijemput oleh Etonk utk ke rumah die di Putrajaya. Waktu tu Etonk sebenarnya tgh risau ttg housementship placement dia. Dia harap2 sangat dpt HUKM which was his first choice. Dia baru je graduated from USM Kubang Kerian. Sampai2 je kiteorg kat rumah die, tibe2 sorang posmen dtg bawak surat from Kementerian Kesihatan. Die berjaya dpt placement di HUKM!! Waaaah. Happy gile die. Kiteorg pun tumpang happy. Lepas spent almost 2 hours kat his house, kiteorg gi jalan2 sekitar Putrajaya kejap sambil bergambar. Lepas tu, aku & Jem naik bas ke KL sementara Baby pulak terus drive balik ke Subang.

Kat Putrajaya

Kat Putrajaya

Kat Putrajaya

Kat Putrajaya

Kat Putrajaya

Kat Putrajaya

Kat Putrajaya

Kat Putrajaya

Sesampainya aku & Jem kat Puduraya, kiteorg berdua naik bas ke Batu Pahat. Aku akan lepak kat rumah Jem selama 2 malam. Lama pulak aku tak berkunjung ke rumah dia. Ni adalah kali ke-3 aku ke rumah Jem. After almost 3 hour journey, kiteorg berdua pun sampai di Batu Pahat. Jem belanja aku naik teksi utk ke rumah dia. Sesampainya kiteorg kat rumah dia, mak dia pun sambut kiteorg. Kebetulan, kotak2 shipping Jem baru je sampai. Apalagi, dia pun terus la bukak kotak2 tu. Byk gile souvenir2 yg die ship balik ke Msia. Lepas mandi, menjamah sikit makanan & solat, aku pun terus masuk tidur kepenatan.


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