Thursday, May 03, 2007

GuLF aiR SuCKS!!

Lebey kurang pukul 1.30 tgh tadi, 30 mins before my lectures started, I received a call from a lady working at travel agency Trailfinders. It was about my flight ticket to KL with Gulf Air. According to the lady whatever her name is, there seems to be a problem with my inbound ticket (KL-Dublin). Gulf Air tibe2 tak beroperasi pulak dari Bahrain to Dublin on the day I fly back to Dublin (28 August). Pulak dah. And that lady gave me options whether I want to change the date or just cancel the reservation & get refund. And then, she recommended Malaysia Airlines flight which is actually cheaper (743 Euro) (baru sekarang nak buat sale!!!!!!????? bengang betul aku!!!), but it only applies if the return date is on 11 September. Hmmm. Sbb ape laa flight pd tarikh 11 Sept ni murah pulak aah?? Tanye laa diri korang sendiri ok. Hihihi. Aku punye laa dok pening pikir. Tensen btul. Last2, aku cakap kat die yang aku akan fikirkan secepat mungkin & aku akan ke office Trailfinders after I have made up my mind. Minah tu kate ok, no hal.

2 jam lecture, satu hapak pun tak masuk. S*al punye pompuan. Apsal la ko call aku sebelum lecture. Apsal tak call lepas lecture jek. Sewaktu lecture 2 jam tu laa aku dok pikir-pikir pasal bende ni. Last2, I've made my decision. I'll cancel my Gulf Air flight ticket & replace it with Malaysia Airlines. Tapi masalahnye, tarikh 11 September tu tersangat2 la lewat. I have to be in Dublin before 3 Sept sbb my Obstretrics & Gynaecology rotation will be starting on 3 Sept & I can't skip even 1 day. The monsterous consultant will definitely kill me if I do so. Huhuhu. Tapi takpe, kat Msia nanti aku boleh tukar tarikh balik Dublin for free kat Malaysia Airlines punye office kat Penang. Aku dah 2 kali dah buat mcm tu. Hopefully kali ni pun takde masalah la. Hihihi.

So, after lecture, aku terus bergegas ke Trailfinders punye office. Aku terus dengan penuh yakinnye meng'cancel' flight Gulf Air aku & digantikan dgn flight Malaysia Airlines. Aku kene tambah 20 Euro lagi untuk book flight pegi balik ke Penang. So, the total is 763 Euro. Aku akan balik ke Msia pd 21 June, sehari after habis exam (20 June). Tiket balik aku dgn Gulf Air dulu adelah pd 24 June. So, aku balik lebih awal pd kali ni. Hihihih. Pasal duit refund Gulf Air tu pulak (817 Euro), I will only get it in 12 weeks time. Waaaa!!! Lame nak mampos. Mati kebulur le aku nanti. Huhuhuh. Tapi takpe, as long as aku balik dgn Malaysia Airlines, aku dah bersyukur. Aku sebenarnye tak yakin sgt dgn Gulf Air sbb die mcm ade byk bad reputation je. Huhuhuhu.

So, begitulah ceritenye diriku dgn Gulf Air. Kesimpulannye, Gulf Air sucks to the max!!

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