Tuesday, December 05, 2006

LoReNZo'S oiL

Filem Lorenzo's Oil yg ditayangkan pd thn 1992 ni dibintangi oleh Nick Nolte & Susan Sarandon. This film is based on true story that occured in middle 80's. Filem ni menceritakan ttg sepasang suami isteri, Augusto Odone (Nick Nolte) & Michaela Odone (Susan Sarandon) bersama2 dgn anak lelaki dieorg, Lorenzo Odone berhijrah ke United States selepas beberapa thn tinggal di Comoros, sebuah negara pulau yg terletak di Lautan Hindi, di timur benua Afrika. Anak lelaki dieorg tu berusia 5 thn.

Beberape bln selepas dieorg berhijrah, tibe2 si Lorenzo ni mengalami beberape symptoms yg pelik. Mule2, doctor2 yg dieorg jumpe tak dpt nak mendiagnose penyakit ape yg die hidapi. Tapi, setelah beberape kajian dibuat, akhirnya dieorg dpt mengenal pasti ttg penyakit yg Lorenzo hidapi. Dia menghidapi penyakit adrenoleukodystrophy, a sex-linked disease that just occurs among male which is a bit rare back in 80's. So, doctor2 semue tak dpt berbuat apa2 sbb kajian ttg penyakit ni was still on going & they was no cure found yet at that time. Adrenoleukodystrophy is a fatal disease and can cause death in a few months.

Pasangan Augusto & Michaela ni tak sanggup tgk anak dieorg menderita. So, dieorg berusaha sedaya upaya utk memahami ttg penyakit adrenoleukodystrophy ni & cuba mencari apa2 alternative utk merawatnya tanpa bantuan mana2 doctor. Dieorg membaca semua buku yg berkaitan dgn penyakit tu tanpa henti. Akhirnya, dieorg berjaya menjumpai cara utk merawat dgn menggunakan extract from olive oil. Penemuan dieorg ini sgt besar sumbangannye terhadap dunia perubatan. Sampai skarang, extract from olive oil ni, atau lebih dikenali sbg 'Lorenzo's Oil' masih lagi digunakan utk merawat kanak2 yg menghidapi adrenoleukodystrophy. Utk menghargai sumbangan dieorg, Augusto telah dianugerahkan ijazah perubatan & dia adalah pengasas kpd The Myelin Project yg masih lagi dijalankan sampai sekarang. Michaela Odone meninggal dunia beberape thn lepas kerana lung cancer. Kini, Augusto tinggal bersama2 dgn anaknya Lorenzo yg masih lagi hidup, but he is bedridden.

Augusto & Michaela Odone
Augusto & Michaela Odone

Augusto Odone: The Founder Of Myelin Project
Augusto Odone: The Founder Of Myelin Project

Love Of A Father For His Child: Augusto & Lorenzo Odone
Love Of A Father For His Child: Augusto & Lorenzo Odone

So, from this film, we can see that even common people like Augusto & Michaela can give a big contribution to the world of medicine. So, never underestimate other people's potential. We can do anything if we have the gut to do it. Nothing is impossible. Kalau nak seribu daya, kalau taknak seribu dalih. And the biggest human value that we can learn from this film is how a mother or a father would do anything in the whole world for her/his children, like Lorenzo's parents. They read every book about the disease, they spent thousands of dollars to find the cure, they went to lots of places to look for clues, they met hundreds of people to seek for advices. All those are just for the sake of their child, Lorenzo. So, there is nothing that can be compared to the love of a mother or a father for her/his children. Sbb tu la filem ni tersangat2 menyentuh hati aku. To Abah & Mak, I love you two sooo much. I can't imagine a life without you two...

p/s: To Fadhlil aka FahdRazy: Thanx for lending me your Lorenzo's Oil DVD. To my blog readers: Don't forget to watch this film. You won't regret!!!

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