Sunday, December 10, 2006

I'M So LoST...

Hmmm. Esok (Isnin), kiteorg ada 2 exam MCQ. Medicine & Surgery. Hari Khamis pulak, aku ada long case which is a bit like practical exam laa. Menurut kata senior2 aku, exam MCQ tu mmg susah gile. Ape yg kite baca drp buku2 pun bukannye cukup. Huhuuhu. Pasrah je aku dgn kata2 dieorg tu. Tapi aku rasa mmg betul pun. Tapi, apa yg paling menakutkan aku adalah long case tu. I'm afraid of being asked questions that I would know the answers but bcoz of being nervous, I might be blank. It happens to me a lot. Sh*t.. I really need to control my nerves. But sometimes, I just don't know how. Huhuhu.

Skarang ni aku rase mcm dah penat dah membaca buku2 Medic. Nak termuntah pun ade. Baca2 pun, bukannye boleh ingat semua. Esoknye, lupe semule ttg apa yg dah dibaca. Is this normal? Huhuhuh. I'm soooo lost right now. I've never felt this lost in my entire life. Could someone pls be my saviour!!! Well, I guess I need to be more motivated & in order to be motivated, I desperately need to have one good idol to influence me to be an excellent medical student. I've been searching all over for this idol, but still no one has shown up. Are we lack of good medical students these days? Or I'm not searching thoroughly? Or should I just hope for some miracles to happen?? Ntah la..

So, skarang ni aku hanya tawakal je. May Allah show me His guide to the right path to success & peace that I've been looking for all this time. Amin.. Dan semoga aku & member2 batch aku semue dpt menempuhi exam yg bakal menjelma ni dgn cemerlang. InsyaAllah. Moga doa2 aku & doa2 mak & abah termakbul la hendaknye. Tak ada doa yg lebih mujarab selain drp doa ibu & ayah. Btul tak? And to all readers, pls pray for us too, ok?? Allah bless you all..

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