Saturday, December 23, 2006

CoRK oH CoRK...

Well. I just came back from Cork yesterday, after spending 3 days & 3 nights down there. The weather sux to the max coz it was foggy & we can barely see anything outside the house. I guess Dublin was also suffering from the same weather condition. Huhuh. I stayed at my friend's house. Mamat tu pulak tinggal serumah dgn 2 couples yg dah ade anak, which are my friends as well & jugak seorg mamat yg dah bertunang, pun kawan aku jugak. And I was told by this friend of mine that my 2 other friends are now pregnant & expected to have their babies in this coming June. Hahah. It's like everyone in Cork is already married & having babies & this friend of mine is the only single guy in Cork. Hahah. And all of them now already have cars for the comfort of their families.

OMG!!!! Aku mcm culture shock gile mase aku kat Cork ni eventhough I've been there for 3 times. I so can't imagine how my life would be if I were happened to study there. Semue org mcm dah matang gile. Semuenye fikir pasal kahwin, anak & beli kereta. Hahah. Ni yg buat aku rase yg aku ni mcm dah tua gile bcoz all of them are at the same age like me. Am I not matured enough or what?? Well, I guess I'm just not ready for these kinds of things yet. Sbb hidup aku masih lagi terumbang-ambing & belum stabil. Heheh. I just need a few more time to settle down with my life first. Hmmm. Ape2 pun, I wish all my friends in Cork happy marriage lives till the end of time. And semoga dikurniakan anak2 yg soleh & solehah. Ameen...

Pawie, Feeza & beautiful Syafeea
Pawie, Feeza & beautiful Syafeea

Asyik & handsome Iman
Asyik & handsome Iman

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