Saturday, April 15, 2006

RaDioLoGY RoTaTioN

10 APRIL - 13 APRIL 2006

Radiology Rotation ni cuma seminggu saje. Since hari Jumaat (14 April) adalah hari Good Friday which is cuti, maka kiteorg cuma ada 4 hari je utk buat rotation ni. Huhuh. Kejap gile. Sesuai le. Sbb rotation ni takde la perlu lama2 sgt. Bosan sebenarnye sbb ianya tak diorganised betul2. It just depends on us. Kalau kiteorg malas, mmg tak berjalan la rotation ni.

Basically, dlm tempoh 4 hari ni, kiteorg masuk ke bilik2 CT Scan, MRI, Ultrasonography, IVP, Interventional, Barium Enema dan beberape lagi bilik. Kiteorg bergerak berdua. Aku spt biasa, berpartner dgn Am. Hehe. Kiteorg berdua cuma berkesempatan utk masuk ke bilik CT Scan, MRI, Ultrasonography & IVP saje. Dlm setiap bilik tu, kiteorg diajar jugak la oleh radiographer2 kat situ mcm mane nak menganalisa gambar2 yg telah diambil. Peh. Payah gile nak menganalisa gambar2 tu. Mcm mane le dieorg boleh bezakan setiap organ yg ada dlm gambar2 tu. Semue nampak mcm sama jek. Huhuh.

CT Scan (Computerised Tomography Scan) adalah specialised form of X-Ray examination di mana X-Ray source & detector rotate around the object that to be scanned & information yg diperolehi boleh digunakan utk produce cross-sectional images by computer. Radiation dose yg diterima oleh patient yg buat CT Scan adalah lebih tinggi drp X-Ray biasa, tapi diagnostic information yg diperolehi adalah lebih bagus & tepat. CT Scan ni boleh digunakan kat mana2 bhg badan, tapi selalunye kat kepala, dada & abdomen.

CT Scan
CT Scan

Contoh Gambar CT Scan Bhg Abdomen
Contoh Gambar CT Scan Bhg Abdomen

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) pulak adalah lebih kurang sama dgn CT Scan. Cuma bezanya, MRI menggunakan magnetic resonance sementara CT Scan pulak menggunakan radiation. So, side effect of radiation is not significant kalau patient buat MRI. Tapi masalahnye, patient2 yg mempunyai pacemaker (a device used to produce & maintain a normal heart rate in patients who have heart block) tak boleh buat MRI sbb magnetic field akan menyebabkan pacemaker tu berhenti & patient boleh mati. Patient2 jugak perlu memastikan kat badan dieorg takde benda2 yg diperbuat drp besi sbb ianya akan ditarik oleh magnetic field. MRI selalunye mengambil masa yg agak lama. Boleh cecah 20 minit. Bunyinye jugak sgt bising. Sementara CT Scan pulak mengambil masa beberape saat saje. Dlm gambar MRI, tulang berwarna hitam, sementara dlm CT Scan punya gambar pulak, tulang berwarna putih. So, kite boleh bezakan mana satu gambar MRI & mana satu gambar CT Scan.

MRI sebenarnye adalah diagnostic technique based on analysis of the absorption & transmission of high frequency radio waves by the water molecules in tissues placed in a strong magnetic field. Dgn menggunakan computer, this analysis boleh digunakan utk map out the variation in tissue signals in any plane & thus produce images of the tissues. Teknik MRI ni slalunye digunakan utk central nervous system, musculoskeletal system, chest & abdomen.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Contoh Gambar MRI Bhg Abdomen
Contoh Gambar MRI Bhg Abdomen

Ultrasonography pulak adalah penggunaan ultrasound (sound waves of extremely high frequency (above 20,000 Hz), inaudible to the human ear), usually in excess of 1 MHz, to produce images of structures of the human body that may be observed on a tv screen & subsequently transferred to photographic film. It is based on the principle of detecting the reflected waves occuring at interfaces within human organs, following a short pulse of ultrasound. This is repeated many times to build up a complete picture. Sejauh mana yg diketahui, tak ada side effect drp penggunaan ultrasound sbb tiada radiation. Ianya selalu digunakan dlm bidang obstetrics utk diagnosis of pregnancy, assessment of gestational age & detection of any abnormalities of the fetus. Selain itu, ultrasonography jugak digunakan utk examination of biliary & urinary tract. Payah gile sebenarnye nak menganalisa gambar ultrasonography ni. Kena practise slalu, baru dpt menganalisa dgn cekap & tepat. Huhuh.


Contoh Gambar Ultrasonography
Contoh Gambar Ultrasonography

IVP (IntraVenous Pyelogram) adalah X-Ray films of the urinary tract following injection into a vein of a contrast medium that is concentrated & excreted by the kidneys. IVP will reveal details of the kidneys, the ureters & subsequently the bladder. IVP sebenarnye digunakan utk tests kidney function & reveals the presence of stones, tumours or obstruction in the urinary tract.

Intravenous Pyelogram (IVP)
Intravenous Pyelogram (IVP)

Contoh Gambar IVP
Contoh Gambar IVP

Selain lawatan bilik ke bilik, kiteorg jugak ada tutorial yg diberi oleh registrar. Kiteorg kene present satu case pd hari Khamis. Kiteorg boleh pilih mane2 patient yg kiteorg suke yg ada radiological records yg menarik. Aku & Am pilih patient yg dimasukkan ke hospital sbb jatuh dari bangunan. He broke his elbow & hip. Kiteorg berjaya mendapatkan copies of his X-Ray films. Huhuh. Bangga gile. Drp X-Rays films tu, fractures of his hip & elbow mmg jelas kelihatan. On the day of presentation tu, kiteorg terkejut gile sbb 2 org budak group kiteorg jugak ambik patient yg sama. Huhuh. Since dieorg yg present dulu, maka kiteorg tak payah present dah. Heheh. Kiteorg just tunjukkan X-Ray films yg kiteorg dpt & registrar kiteorg terangkan apa yg dpt dilihat drp X-Ray films tu.

So, tu la serba sedikit apa yg kiteorg buat dlm Radiology Rotation. Lepas ni, kiteorg akan ada 2 minggu lectures kat ET (UCD Medical Faculty punya bangunan). Yahuu!! Tak payah nak jalan kaki pagi2 buta gi Mater Hospital utk 2 minggu. Heh.

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